Personal Training
Professional 1-on-1 training based in Sandton
Tailor made training programs for beginners, intermediates, bodybuilders and athletes
available in studio or via online app.
Winners never quit, and quitters never win. Persevere!
Benefits to my Clients
Accredited REPS SA Trainer (Register of Exercise Professionals South Africa)
Affiliated with Sheriff Training Systems offering state-of-the-art personalised web- and smartphone training
Customised, personalised training – NO templates or generic programmes or eating plans
Access to your workouts and meal plan anytime anywhere
Detailed training videos and exercise prescriptions
24/7 guidance and support via app messaging system, email and WhatsApp

Reach your fitness goal - NOW!
Reaching your fitness goals is indeed possible for you too
with professional and flexible guidance and personal 1-on-1 training.
Suitable for beginners, intermediates, bodybuilders and top athletes,
take the first step to reach your health and fitness goals right now!